Why Do Derogatory Marks Stay on Your Credit

Triston Martin

Jan 05, 2023

Missed payments, collections, repossession, and foreclosure are all examples of derogatory marks. You may expect negative information to remain on your credit reports for seven years on average, with some negative data staying there for as long as ten years. If your credit rating drops, you may be denied new credit or have to pay higher interest rates on existing loans and credit cards.

To get inaccurate negative information removed from your credit reports, you can submit a dispute with the credit bureaus. Access all three of your credit reports every week for free until the end of 2023.

If the negative information is not an error, you will need to give it time to drop off your credit reports. (An inquiry in response to a credit or loan application will not appear as a negative item. They remain on your report for up to two years. However, their impact on your score diminishes much before then.

One major black mark: overdue payments

Be aware that a negative mark will be added to your credit report if you are more than 30 days late. As a general rule, late payments will remain on your credit reports for seven and a half years from the day the account was first reported late. The bigger the delay in making payment (from 60 days late to 90 days late, and so on), the more severe the impact on your credit ratings

You should pay off your bill as quickly as possible. The creditor may be willing to waive the cost if you have never or rarely been late. Call the toll-free hotline, explain your mistake, and inquire as to whether you can have the fee reversed. An expression of goodwill in writing is another option. Contact your creditor and explain your current financial circumstances to see if a hardship payment plan may be arranged if paying the bill is out of the question.

A drop in credit score is temporary. Maintain as much of a positive payment history as possible to mitigate the negative impact of any missed payments on your credit scores.

Charge-off of a financial account is a negative remark.

Your lender may charge off your account if you repeatedly miss payments or otherwise fail to meet your financial obligations. Your credit records will reflect the charge-off for seven years. Optional Steps: Make Attempts to Repay or Settle the Debt. The chance of being sued will be gone, but the charge-off will remain on your credit reports.

Three negative marks to review: repossession Lenders have the right to repossess collateral, such as a car if the borrower fails to make payments as promised. The negative effects of repossession will be visible for seven years after the account was first reported as late. Do what you can to stay current on all of your other expenses as well. Time and evidence that shows you've been responsible with payments will help repair your credit.


If a creditor isn't getting paid, they may sell or transfer the debt to a collection agency. Having a debt sent to collections can devastate your credit scores and will be there for seven years. Under a "pay for delete" deal, a debt collector can remove a collections account from your credit record. However, this is a highly unusual (and maybe illegal) action that is not recommended by credit reporting services.

After confirming that the collection agency is the rightful owner of the debt, you can then design a strategy to settle the balance owed. That won't fix your credit score, but it will stop the legal action against you. The collecting process for medical debts is different.

When not piled on top of other bad marks, the damage from a black mark eventually dissipates. In FICO 8, the most generally utilised score for determining loan eligibility, paid-off collections are still considered. However, VantageScore 3.0 and the FICO 9 do not consider paid collections.

Defaulting on student loans

Delinquencies on private and federal student loans negatively impact credit after 30 and 90 days, respectively, and remain on credit reports for seven years.

If you have a federal student loan and have yet to make a payment in more than 270 days, you are in default. Government debt collection tools, including wage, SSI, and tax refund garnishment, are formidable. When it comes to private student loans, a lender can declare you in default as soon as you miss a payment, but it will need to file a lawsuit to collect any money owed.

Foreclosure is a black mark, bringing us back to the top. If you default on your mortgage and the bank takes your home, the foreclosure will show up on your credit reports and stay there for seven years.

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